Dupa cum puteti citi mai jos sau in sectiunea AntiRomania, Garda Maghiara a fost prezenta impreuna cu miscarea ilegala a “Tinerilor celor 64 de comitate” (cate avea “Ungaria Mare”) si in Romania, la “serbarea” zilei revolutiei maghiare, care ar trebui sa fie si comemorarea uciderii celor 40.000 de tarani romani din Ardel. Cu toate ca este evidenta tendinta lor extremista - reliefata si de organizatiile evreiesti si tiganesti din Ungaria si din lume - partidele maghiare “democratice” din Romania nu s-au gandit sa ceara interzicerea activitatilor acestei formatiuni para-militare. Dimpotriva. Ungurii pregatesc o operatiune la Summitul NATO de la Bucuresti in sprijinul revendicarilor la autonomie in tot bazinul carpatic.
Magyar Gárda and Roma in court scuffle
Written by Michael Logan
Roma and members of the extreme-right Magyar Gárda almost came to blows last Wednesday prior to a court case aimed at deciding the fate of Jobbik’s uniformed wing. Around 100 uniformed members of the Magyar Gárda (Hungarian Guard) gathered outside the court before proceedings began, and Orbán Kolompár, the head of the Roma National Council, was involved in angry exchanges with guard members. Kolompár the previous week handed in a petition with over 70,000 signatures to Parliament calling for the Gárda to be dissolved. Police managed to keep the rival parties apart and ensure Kolompár’s entry.
The case against the Gárda
The court case, requested by the chief prosecutor and brought forward at the demand of the justice ministry, was aimed at deciding whether the group is breaking the rules set out for such organisations, which are not supposed to infringe others’ rights or freedoms. If the court finds against the group, then it could be disbanded. The case was adjourned until 19 May after opening statements.
Much of the controversy centres on the Gárda’s campaign against what it calls “gypsy crime”. Some 260 members of the Gárda marched through a Roma majority village in uniform in December. The organisation has also held candle-lit vigils for “the victims of gypsy crime”. Chief Prosecutor Tamás Kovács in December said that the march, and the racist speeches made during the event, showed the guard had reached a point that was “incompatible with a democratic state”. The prosecutor’s office said that the Hungarian Guard was guilty of racial discrimination and had created a climate of fear among Hungary’s Roma community.
However, Tamás Gaudi-Nagy, representing the Gárda, told Budapest Municipal Court that the march was not an official guard event, but was organised by a private citizen, and that any opinions expressed at the event were private opinions.
Media representatives complained that the Gárda had also attempted to vet entry to the courtroom, saying that Gárda members were blocking the entrance and only allowing “friendly” media to enter. The heads of associations, including journalists’ and lawyers’ associations, lined up to say it was inexcusable that the court had allowed private individuals to control entry. However, the court said that no such vetting had taken place. It said journalists were given priority, and that simply far too many people turned up to squeeze into the courtroom, which held 40-50. The Gárda, which now has over 600 members, has chosen as its coat of arms a variation on the red-and-white Árpád Stripes, a medieval flag that became associated with Hungary’s Nazi-aligned Arrow Cross party, which was in power for a brief period during the Second World War. Jewish organisations say that its black uniforms resemble those worn by Second World War fascists. The Gárda claims it is simply a cultural organisation concerned with maintaining Hungary’s traditions and safeguarding its future.
Jobbik founders quit
In related news, three founding members of Jobbik left the party last week, saying that the creation of the Magyar Gárda was part of a process that was making the party too radical. Former chairman Dávid Kovács, Márton Fári, formerly head of the party’s ethics committee, and Ervin Nagy, once president of the party’s national council, quit.
Budapest Times / Thursday, 20 March 2008
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